Our Group
The operating entities within the IntegraFin Group offer a range of services which are designed to help financial advisers and their clients to manage financial plans in a simple, effective and tax efficient way.
Group Companies
IntegraFin Holdings plc (IntegraFin)
The holding company and parent of the overall group. It is an unregulated public limited company and is the ultimate beneficial owner of all companies within the group.
Integrated Financial Arrangements Ltd (IFAL)
Provider of the Transact wrap service. It is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It is the provider of the General Investment Account (GIA), is a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) operator, an ISA manager and is the custodian for all assets held on the platform (except for those held by third party custodians).
The companies which facilitate the Transact service are:
- Transact Trustees Limited (TTL)
- Transact Nominees Limited (TNL)
- IntegraLife UK Limited (ILUK)
- IntegraLife International Limited (ILInt)
IntegraFin Services Limited (ISL)
An unregulated private limited company and provider of personnel and certain services to the IntegraFin Group including administration services and support, and maintenance for the Transact platform.
ObjectMastery (UK) Limited
ObjectMastery is a wholly owned subsidiary of ISL. It is an unregulated private limited company.
Transact IP Ltd (TIP)
An unregulated private limited company which holds all Intellectual Property (IP) rights on behalf of the Transact platform.
Integrated Application Development Pty Ltd (IAD)
Develops the technology behind the Transact platform and the IntegraFin Group.
Time For Advice Limited
A specialist software provider for financial planning and wealth management firms.
Transact Nominees Limited (TNL)
Holds the legal title to assets held in all wrappers with Transact.
Transact Trustees Limited (TTL)
Holds all term deposits on trust for clients for all wrapper types.
IntegraLife UK Limited (ILUK)
A domestic insurance company which provides the Transact Personal Pension, Executive Pension, Section 32 Buy-Out Bond, Transact Onshore Bond and Qualifying Savings Plan on the Transact platform. It is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the PRA and the FCA.
IntegraLife International Limited (ILInt)
An international insurance company which provides the Transact Offshore Bond. It is regulated by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (IOMFSA).